january special reading: finding calm in dark times
hello, friends, and happy full moon in cancer! i sent out a full moon spread to silver and gold subscribers
january 2023: yearly cycles spread
hello, friends! a few days ago i shared a lengthy post on the numerology of 2023, including our collective year
2023: numerology for the new year
hello friends, and welcome to 2023.
new years can hold a lot of promise, and a lot of pressure. it
introducing five days of elements: a free email course
hello, friends!
in this hazy, quiet, reflective time of year, i hope you're finding safety, rest, healing, and
december 2022: new moon in capricorn
hello, friends.
today's new moon in capricorn gives us the opportunity to begin a new cycle, one that
from temperance to the devil
hello friends, and a blessed solstice to you.
as the sun moves into capricorn and we mark the longest night
december 2022: a spread on finding equilibrium
hello, friends.
earlier this month i shared a reflection piece on temperance, messiness, and finding equilibrium. recovery is often a
december 2022: full moon in gemini
hello, friends. before we dig into today's full moon in gemini, a quick note that my year of
limited offer: the year of seven tarot reading
hello, friends! although it wasn't the plan, i've been closed for tarot readings for most of