3 min read

new moon in taurus

new moon in taurus
the sabat tarot

hello, friends. a quick note that 3am.tarot is now on etsy! i've got four brand new spread collections as well as printable tarot journal pages to help you put together the study grimoire of your dreams, and i'll be adding new products over the coming weeks as well. (all of these collections are also available for purchase on my website.)

today's new moon in taurus may serve for many of us as an invitation to slow down, be present, and care of our physical selves. it's very easy to get so caught up in the productivity mindset that we only categorize rest, pleasure, comfort, or recovery through the lens of getting back to work refreshed or refilling the tank.

but pleasure for pleasure's sake is not frivolous or wasteful. pleasure is not something to be ashamed of. pleasure is a need. we only get one wild and precious life, and i refuse to apologize for wanting to enjoy beauty, make art, and take comfort where i can. my dear friend heather hogan writes about finding pleasure in the safe, sweet things in a way that i just love, and you should read this piece right now.

our spread for this lunation is all about slowing down, enjoying things, and inviting pleasure-filled rituals into our daily life. these things matter. as my partner jeanna so beautifully shared yesterday, creativity requires patience, tending, nourishment. it cannot be hacked, forced, or rushed.

and neither can pleasure.