a spread for the three of wands
hello, friends. i'm glad you're here.
depending on who you are, the three of wands might
three of wands // the number three
hello again, friends. we've taken a general look at the three of wands already, and today we'
three of wands // a flame to warm the spirit
how is your inner fire growing? what are you letting others see, and what have you been afraid to share? how might you allow those you trust into your flame space, to dance and sing around the blaze in a way that energizes and excites everyone?
two of wands: creative prompts & journal questions
hello, friends. quick note that i have finally (finally!!!) created a devils & fools welcome page that includes direct links
two of wands: the other side of fear
hello, friends. so many of my pieces this month on the two of wands talk about confidence and courage and
february 2024: a spread for the two of wands
hello, friends. this month we're examining the two of wands in all of its fiery, observant glory. and
two of wands: the element of fire
hello, friends. this month we've looked at the two of wands overall, and also dug a bit further