january 2023: yearly cycles spread
hello, friends! a few days ago i shared a lengthy post on the numerology of 2023, including our collective year
december 2022: new moon in capricorn
hello, friends.
today's new moon in capricorn gives us the opportunity to begin a new cycle, one that
december 2022: a spread on finding equilibrium
hello, friends.
earlier this month i shared a reflection piece on temperance, messiness, and finding equilibrium. recovery is often a
december 2022: full moon in gemini
hello, friends. before we dig into today's full moon in gemini, a quick note that my year of
november 2022: new moon in sagittarius
hello friends.
yesterday the sun moved into the mutable fire of sagittarius, and today the moon follows suit, beginning a
november 2022: a spread for stages of grief
hello, friends. earlier this month i shared an essay on the death archetype, exploring transformation, endings, and the importance of
october 2022: new moon in scorpio
hello, friends! today's new moon in scorpio helps us tap into the energy of the season, plant seeds