from the moon to the emperor
hello, friends. a quick note that i'm preparing to host another round of devils & digits, my tarot
march 2023: on want, and desire, and finding the fool
hello, friends.
today is the official publication day for my book, finding the fool: a tarot journey to radical transformation!
february 2023: a spread for curiosity & creativity
hello, friends! earlier this month i shared a post on curiosity, creativity, and how the fool can serve as an
new moon in pisces
hello, friends. today's moon is dreamy, fantastical, curious, and awestruck. today, we work with the new moon in
from the star to the moon
hello friends, and welcome to pisces season.
finding the fool comes out in a little over a week, so if
podcasts & previews
hello, friends! with my book's pub date less than a month away (i did a lil' unboxing
full moon in leo
hello friends. today's full moon in leo is filled with courage, laughter, passion, and celebration, and i sincerely
february 2023: on curiosity & creativity
hello, friends. with my first book just a month away (!!!), i want to take a brief hiatus from our monthly