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get a free single-card tarot reading in the mail!

get a free single-card tarot reading in the mail!
10 of cups from the black seed tarot

hello, friends. as i continue working away on writing two more tarot books this year (book two is currently undergoing copyediting with my publisher, while book three is still taking shape), i want to continue devoting more energy to projects that i'm really excited about: a new mini tarot podcast, this newsletter filled with essays and spreads and encouragement, new lectures, and another top secret project that i can't tell you about just yet.

as i keep living my dreams of writing and publishing and creating tarot resources, i also need to continue growing my newsletter subscribers. i've already got a discount available for paid subscribers who are interested in my brand new tarot reading, but i also wanted to share a second offer with you today to sweeten the deal even more.

this offer was inspired by my brilliant friend heather hogan (whose newsletter you should also definitely subscribe to): if you help me grow my newsletter list, i'll send you a handwritten tarot reading and card in the mail!

three of earth from the practical magic inner witch tarot deck

i love pulling tarot cards for folks, and with so many services and events hosted online, there's something really special about receiving physical mail. do you want a handwritten single-card tarot reading of your own using a gorgeous indie deck, and to help support a queer, chronically ill creator in the bargain? of course you do!

there are two ways to get a reading:

number one: become a paid subscriber! i've got three different membership tiers starting at just $5/month, which at this point is probably cheaper than a large cold brew from your local coffee shop. the bronze tier is great for those who love my monthly essays and want tarot spreads to go along with them; the silver tier is for those of you who love numerology and want number-themed spreads and writings each month; and the gold tier gives you access to everything: two new spreads plus exclusive writings every month!

number two: recommend devils & fools to friends and followers! already a paid subscriber? i adore you! if you want a reading, all you have to do is recommend this newsletter to a friend, which you can do in person, via social media, through your own email list, or any other way you like. this will be on the honor system, but if you tag me on social media i'll happily share your post with my own followers.

sample reading with the seven of wands from the black seed tarot deck

do at least one of the above things, fill out the form, and i'll pop a card in the mail for you, along with a little handwritten note with a few sentences and questions offering wisdom, insight, and comfort. this offer will be available through june 23rd, 2024, and is limited to one reading per person.

as long as you're a paid subscriber, you'll be able to find the snail mail tarot reading request form below. sign up or share about devils & fools, and i'll send your mini reading out ASAP! and thank you again for supporting my work 🖤

This post is for paying subscribers only