tarot by the numbers: FREE library presentation tomorrow!
hello, friends! i hope the full moon treated you well. (and apologies for sending my newsletter out a bit early,
full moon in sagittarius
hello, friends. if you missed yesterday's essay on the star, hope, and reaching for something you can'
june 2023: on the strangeness of hope
the star is not the absence of grief, or pain, or regret. it's instead about being real, whatever that looks like in each moment, and letting the sky and the sea and the clouds and the shadows bear witness to our pain, and our tenderness, and our desire, and our wonder.
a spread on fault lines
hello, friends. earlier this month i shared an essay on the tower: that archetype of chaos, movement, freedom, and transformation.
from hierophant to lovers
hello, friends, and welcome to gemini season. if you haven't checked out my new etsy shop yet, i&
new moon in taurus
hello, friends. a quick note that 3am.tarot is now on etsy! i've got four brand new spread
spreads for the full moon & lunar eclipse in scorpio
hello, friends.
full moon eclipses, especially in intense signs like scorpio, can feel overwhelming, emotional, messy. this eclipse is happening
finding the fool book club with autostraddle - tonight!
hello friends! this is just a quick note to let you know that i'm doing a digital book
enrollment for devils & digits closes tonight!
hello, friends! this is just a quick final reminder that my tarot numerology course, devils & digits, is closing for