4 min read

let tarot help you catch your breath.

let tarot help you catch your breath.

hello, friends.

a few weeks ago i shared a question that's been rattling around in my brain for months: why am i still talking about tarot when the world is so fucked up?

in some ways, this question has always been relevant for me and my tarot practice. i bought my first deck in the summer of 2016, and have been reading consistently through strikes and boycotts and protests, through pandemics and police violence and insurrections, through increasing tension and fear and instability.

and now we're watching a genocide through our phones. now we're seeing politicians scramble to insist that we stand with apartheid, passing bills that would take away our ability to communicate and organize instead of honoring the will of the people. now we're seeing history repeat itself as police forces descend on college campuses, violently attacking students and faculty, using their considerable might to try and hold up the status quo. now we're seeing more people talk about the history of congo, of sudan, of haiti. now we're crowdfunding exorbitant fees in the hopes of helping palestinian families escape literal concentration camps. now we're watching institutions crumble, systems fail, inflation skyrocket.

now, we're wondering how long this can hold before it all falls apart, before this tower crumbles, before we find ourselves on a completely new path.

high priestess & tower from the moonchild tarot

it's a lot to hold. and while there are plenty of direct actions that we can take, we also have to balance our activism with intentional rest. not just bubble baths and face masks, but truly tending to our minds, hearts, bodies, and souls, in ways that are restorative and nourishing.

and for me, this is where tarot has become more valuable than ever. this is the moment when remembering the high priestess, checking in with self, slowing down and listening, become incredibly important.

tarot can serve many functions: spiritual support, creative inspiration, community building, personal reflection, patient decision-making, developing intuition, and more. regardless of how you work with the cards or what you might be asking of them, having a simple, consistent, personal routine with your deck can serve as a grounding ritual that brings you back to yourself. even a single-card practice can give you a few moments to breathe, listen, ground, calm, and center. and sometimes, that makes all the difference.

i've gotten asked about tarot routines a lot lately, and i get it. i know that i'm not the only one reaching for my cards more and more, trying to find answers and support and stability in a world that feels like it's actively crumbling beneath our feet.

whether you're thinking about developing a consistent tarot habit for the first time, or would love to get back into a regular tarot routine after dropping off for awhile, i've developed a few new priestess-themed tools to help:

priestess' prompts is my brand new 21-day email series, featuring daily questions that you can use in your single-card tarot readings, or to inspire longer conversations with your cards. the series starts anytime you're ready, and each email includes a new prompt as well as additional tips, guidance, and advice for reading tarot. these emails are perfect for beginners, but can also serve as inspiration and support for readers at any level. they also automatically send every 24 hours, so if you'd like to use this series as daily reminders to work with your cards, priestess' prompts will serve that function beautifully.

if you want additional support in putting those prompts into action, or if you're looking for people that you can pull cards with on a regular basis, mornings with the priestess is here! using zoom, we'll meet three times a week for three weeks and will hold space for tarot, meditation, reflection, or whatever else spiritually nourishes you. i've been wanting to host digital reading and journaling sessions for a long time, and i'm excited to co-create this series with you. our very first meetup is on june 24th, and you can sign up right now!

and for those of you who are also in new york city, i'm partnering with an amazing queer bookstore to start hosting monthly in-person, COVID-conscious tarot meetups. i'll share more on this as we finalize dates, but i'm really excited to safely connect with some of you in a new way.

i've got plenty more in the works, including a new speciality tarot reading, a course on navigating grief and hope, and a mini tarot podcast (!!!), but i think that's enough for now. if you have questions about either of the new priestess-themed offerings, feel free to email me — i'm happy to help.

it's my sincere hope that these offerings will support your ongoing tarot practice, which can in turn support your ongoing activism. however you're showing up, whatever role you've carved out for yourself, don't give up. keep fighting, keep working, keep going.

and remember that if you let it, tarot can help you catch your breath, and remind you what you're fighting for.