4 min read

ace of wands // creative prompts & ideas

3am.tarot // devils & fools: year of fire

hello, friends. quick announcement that my next tarot container is now open for enrollment! laughing lovers is a 28-day community experience focused on bringing some playfulness, connection, and lighthearted energy into your tarot practice. you can learn more and snag your spot (which includes immediate access to the 3am.tarot sanctuary online community so that you can get cozy before our february 1st start date) right here:

i also wanted to highly a lovely conversation that i had with shelly jay shore for her wonderful newsletter, creativity for good. we talk art, tarot spreads, finding what resonates, and deciding what to share, among so many other things. check it out and if you like what you read, give shelly's wonderful newsletter a follow!

we've now looked at our card of the month, the ace of wands, through a few different lenses: as an invitation to the story of the suit, the numerology of the number one, and the elemental qualities of fire. but as a new aspect to our work this year in this particular space, i want to offer something a little bit more free form, a little bit more open.

last year, i launched a creative container called sanctuary of the empress. and while there were a number of things that i treasured about the container, the creative prompts that i offered the group for our cards every day were particularly popular. while i know not everyone may have the chance to participate in one of my creative containers or be interested in joining a digital community, i wanted to share some thoughts on our cards of the month throughout the year, offering some sparks of inspiration that might light something up within you in your own work.

we've talked about the ace of wands as an initiation, as potential, as a spark, as an invitation to transformation. how might that show up in your creative projects or ideas, regardless of your medium?

feel free to use these as journal prompts, character or story ideas, or as inspiration for collage, recipes, sculpture, dance, songs, playlists, writings, fragrances, movement, flavor, or literally anything else you like. how might the ace of wands open up a portal for you, one that you can move through with joy and excitement?

ace of wands from five decks: (left to right) the vindur deck, the goddess of love tarot, the spacious tarot, the muse tarot, and the wild unknown tarot
ace of wands from five decks: (left to right) the vindur deck, the goddess of love tarot, the spacious tarot, the muse tarot, and the wild unknown tarot

what does a spark mean to you? how do you imagine a spark feeling, looking, tasting? when you think about a spark, or picture it in your mind, what do you see?

what does it feel like in your body when you have a lot of energy from a new idea? does your breath catch? can you feel your heart racing? what does it feel like when your imagination is ignited? do you associate energy with adrenaline? what does it feel like when you're fired up? and when you're excited about something new, what is your first impulse or instinct? do you find yourself scrambling for a pen and paper to write things down? do you start talking really quickly?

who or what in your life makes you feel really excited right now? are you working on any particular projects or ideas or tending any dreams or longings that get you really excited when you think about them? what are they and what specifically about them get you wound up when did you first realize that this was some thing you wanted? what did that moment of realization look like? what does it feel like?

what songs make you think about this energy? what's a song that gets you really fucking hyped up every time you hear it? what's a song you never get tired of? what song really captures that feeling of a fire burning in your belly, or adrenaline shooting through your veins, or wanting something so badly that you're dizzy with it?

if the ace of wands was a person or character, who would they be? what would they be like? if the ace of wands was a food or a flavor or a fragrance or scent, what would it be? if the ace of wands was a place, what would it feel like to step into that place? what would you see? and what would it feel like to get that place so clear in your mind that you could step into it whenever you wanted to?

how might the ace of wands connect to your present personal moment, to the energy you've been working through lately? what might this energy have to say about the broader energy of the collective, to the many many hard and horrifying things that we are witnessing and learning every day? what does the ace of wands offer in terms of healing, of hope, of holding space for inner conflict or outer frustration?

how might the ace of wands offer us a spark of light in the darkness, a beacon to follow when we feel lost or hopeless or alone?

enjoy the rest of your january, friends!