2 min read

a milestone & a new free spread collection

a milestone & a new free spread collection

hello, friends! this short little note is just to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for being here! writing this newsletter and connecting with so many of you through your lovely emails, kind words on social media, and of course in our incredibly supportive discord community has meant the world to me, and i'm so grateful for those of you who have been here for a long time as well as those of you who are brand new.

one of my goals for the first half of this year was to hit 100 paid subscribers for devils & fools, and that dream came true last night! to celebrate and show my appreciation for your ongoing support, i've added a brand new five-spread collection to my website that you can download right now, completely free. my hope is that these new spreads offer you some support, encouragement, and gentle nudges forward, meeting you where you are while also revealing some potential pathways forward.

tarot spread for quiet moments: for reflection, awareness & joy cover and table of contents
cover & table of contents

you can find tarot spreads for quiet moments along with all of my other spread collections right here:

quick reminder that if you've been thinking about signing up for the 3am.tarot conservatory and accessing over $1000 of course materials for a low monthly rate, i'll be closing the doors on april 28th. you can learn more about the conservatory and snag your seat right here:

and of course, i'll be back in your inboxes next week with some creative prompts on our card of the month, the four of wands. for those of you who are brand new subscribers, you can click here to explore the devils & fools archives, find links to my most popular essays and spreads, and connect with me in other corners of the internet.

i know things feel endlessly heavy right now. i also know that we're stronger, smarter, braver, and more compassionate when we're together. i am so grateful that you're here, and i sincerely hope that you're able to find nourishment, hope, and even some joy by exploring these writings.

more soon 🖤