2 min read

limited offer: the year of seven tarot reading

limited offer: the year of seven tarot reading

hello, friends! although it wasn't the plan, i've been closed for tarot readings for most of this year due to health reasons - but working with clients is something that i really love. and while i likely won't be able to open for my fully custom readings again until next year, i wanted to do something special to help usher in 2023, and to connect with y'all in a new way.

we all have an internal current: powerful urges that guide our actions, that push us forward or tug us back, that are leading us to a particular destination based on our values, our experiences, our desires. sometimes this current can feel overwhelming in its intensity, and other times we may feel untethered, or wonder if we’ve slipped out of our current entirely. that current is part of our lifeblood, but we don't always know what charges it, what sustains it. we don't always know where it's taking us.

this current is essential to who we are, to what we crave, to why we move the way that we do. it lives in every choice we make, whether we realize it or not.

no matter where you are in your flow, whether your movement feels intentional or random, the tarot can help create opportunities for supported questioning and necessary evaluation. and in moving into a new year, this is a perfect time to tap into that awareness, look deeply within, and to consider where we are going.

2023 is a seven year (2+2+0+3 = 7), a number that is all about pushing beyond what is known, about searching for what lives underneath our surface actions. this is an energy of seeking, interrogating, breaking out and bursting forth. seven is the quest, longing to understand not only what we want, but why. what lives beneath your decisions and priorities? what powers your movements? where is your perspective shifting? which truths are you searching for?

the year of seven reading makes intentional space for questioning, evaluating, celebrating, and challenging. by remembering the lessons and movements of the seven constellation archetypes (the chariot & the tower), by honoring what has come before and what is still ahead, this reading can help facilitate expansion, making space for the questions that your heart and spirit are already asking. what inspires you? what motivates your movement? where do you feel restless, and where do you feel sure? which transformations are you in the midst of?

and in recognizing what inspires and sustains your personal flow, how might 2023 bring opportunities for growth, clarity, and new discoveries?

i've got just seven slots for this seven-card reading, and it will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis in the month of december only. (as a newsletter subscriber, you're the first to know about this offering, but i will be sharing it on social media in a few days unless it sells out.)

i'll be testing out a new format for this reading, so the price includes photos of your reading using the deck of your choice, an audio recording of the reading, and an AI-generated transcript. after purchasing, you'll receive an email from me with next steps, and all readings will be delivered in december and january (depending on when you purchase).

i can't wait to work with you.