introducing a shiny new podcast: CALL YOUR COVEN

hello, friends! for the last few months i've been hinting at something new in the works, something collaborative and magical that has been slowly taking shape. and as we put the finishing touches on this project, we can finally share a glimpse of what's coming up:

CALL YOUR COVEN: practical advice for nonsensical times is a podcast for the spiritually-attuned that weaves together the practices of numerology, astrology, and the tarot, in order to gain supportive insights for everyday life. hosted by rebecca ‘bee’ scolnick (numerology), jeanna kadlec (astrology), and meg jones wall (tarot), CALL YOUR COVEN is equal parts forecast and exploration of these connected but differing modalities, all rooted in mutual respect and love of community. come for the monthly forecast, stay for the vibes.
getting to collaborate with my beloved partner jeanna and my dear friend bee (as well as bee's incredibly talented producer wife, stacey) has been an absolute dream. while each of our primary modalities brings its own wisdom and practicality to the table, together they make absolute magic. we're packing tons of useful information into every episode, but we're also having a great time doing it: you'll get the benefit of our years of experience, with the added bonus of feeling like you're hanging out with friends.
whether you're passionate about the cards, brilliantly in tune with the stars, a whiz with numbers, or curious about all three modalities, CALL YOUR COVEN speaks your language.
mark your calendar, because our first episodes will drop on august 30th. follow us on instagram to stay connected, and be on the lookout for some additional teasers and extra goodies along the way.
more soon, friends 🖤 hope you're as excited as we are!

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