for your listening pleasure: call your coven is live!

dear friends! CALL YOUR COVEN, our collaborative labor-of-love podcast, is finally here! the first five episodes are now live, including an introduction to our little trio, the september 2024 forecast, and 101 episodes on all three modalities:
in addition to being available in audio formats on spotify, apple podcasts, and your favorite other podcasting apps, we're also on youtube!
CALL YOUR COVEN: Practical Advice for Nonsensical Times is a podcast for the spiritually-attuned that weaves together the practices of numerology, astrology, and the tarot, in order to gain supportive insights for everyday life. Hosted by Bee Scolnick (numerology), Jeanna Kadlec (astrology), and Meg Jones Wall (tarot), Call Your Coven is equal parts forecast and exploration of these connected but differing modalities, all rooted in mutual respect and love of community. Come for the monthly forecast, stay for the vibes!
wanna support the podcast and help us grow? LISTEN & DOWNLOAD (incredible), RATE & REVIEW (above and beyond, we adore you), and SHARE ON SOCIALS (follow us at @ callyourcoven).
and if you're already a fan of bee, jeanna, or me and want to help make our podcasting dreams come true, call your coven is on patreon! for now we've got a $5 tier to help cover production costs, but we'll be adding more tiers as we grow with special perks just for supporters. (and just like with CARD TALK, i'm not going to be sending out newsletter announcements every time there's a new episode — so if you want updates on content, make sure to follow us on instagram and patreon!)

thank you so much for sharing our excitement on this new venture! working with jeanna and bee (as well as bee's badass wife stacey, who's been a godsend on the production side) has been such a dream come true, and i sincerely hope you find this podcast encouraging, supportive, and deeply practical.
i'll be back in your inboxes soon with our september essay on the nine of wands, and don't forget that queens of spirit begins in just a few days — if you're ready to use tarot for journaling and self-discovery, don't miss this new series!
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