1 min read

CORRECTED LINKS: what would you like to see from 3am.tarot next?

CORRECTED LINKS: what would you like to see from 3am.tarot next?

hello, friends! a few of you let me know that the embedding in yesterday's survey request didn't load for you — sincere apologies! i know that for some folks it worked just fine (and thank you for your responses!), but in case you were in the group that had trouble accessing the survey, you should find it embedded below or can also click here to access the form directly. your feedback is so valuable for me, so thank you very much for taking the time to let me know what you might like to see from me in the future!

also wanted to flag that i'm running a raffle over on instagram! if you donate $50 or more to one of the campus bail funds, which are also linked in my IG bio, just email me the receipt and you'll be entered to win an audio tarot reading of your choice. more details are over on instagram, and feel free to share the post or tag friends in the comments as reach on instagram is pretty garbage these days.

stay safe out there and thank you for supporting my work 🖤 more soon!