ten of wands: creative prompts
hello, friends. remember that if you love these creative prompts, my magician archetype course on imagination, creation, resources, curiosity, and
the mercurial magician & expanding our capacity for joy
hello, friends. i don't write about astrology much here anymore. i also don't share much about
a spread for the ten of wands
hello, friends. before we get into this month's card spread, i wanted to share a link to this
october 2024: spreads for all
hello, friends. in this particular is-it-capitalism-or-fascism-either-way-i-hate-it stage of history, it's pretty hard to stay entirely off of social
from grief to hope, and everything in-between
oh friends. i hope you're as safe and comfortable as you can be right now. i hope you&
ten of wands: number 10 & fire
hello, friends. i know there's so much going on right now, from hurricanes and wildfires to devastating anniversaries
what does the magician have to do with hope?
if you want to step into your magic and activate your inner fire and become the magician of your dreams, if you want to feel powerful and resourced and equipped to tackle your current challenges, magician's lens is for you.
october 2024: where there's smoke
hello, friends. before we dive in, i want to highlight a few aid organizations that are doing incredible, immediate work
sale on gold annual subscriptions ends tonight!
hello, friend! i'll be sending out a juicy new essay in a few hours, so this is just