ace of pentacles: creative prompts

hello, friends. earlier this month i gave you a juicy essay on the ace of pentacles, a courageous card of long-term dreaming and personal promises. i also shared with you some new spreads that tie into this theme of bravery and resources, in the hopes of reminding you just how magic and strength you already have access to.
for our final piece on the ace of pentacles this month, i want to offer you some more general creative prompts to help you deepen your relationship with this card. these questions can be used for journaling and reflection, conversation and discovery, creative work or spiritual exploration or literally whatever you like. it's my hope that even just reading through these questions gets your mind and heart going, helps you think about how you can activate ace of pentacles energy in yourself now and always.
what does the ace of pentacles mean to you? i dare you to figure it out.
how do you understand the ace of pentacles? what does this card represent to you in readings? when you see this card come up in your own deck, how do you feel? what does it make you think about?
how do you understand resources, and what comes up for you when you think about your own resources? do you consider yourself well-resourced, and what does that mean to you? what feelings or sensations bubble up when you think about resources, and how might your understanding of what "counts" as a resource impact your emotions around this idea?
what does ace of pentacles energy feel like in you, in others, in projects, in intentions? how do you experience the feeling or sensation of this card? what does it look like in real life? how does it play out?
how do you think about long-term projects or ambitions? what does it mean to dream big, and how do you balance your imagination with your sense of practicality or logic? is it hard for you to dream about material, tangible, physical things?
what seeds have you planted in the past, and how did you tend them? what did they require to root, to grow, to flourish? what seeds are you imagining for your current week, month, year, and what does it feel like to consider the long-term care that those seeds may need from you?
what inspires you about this card? what scares you about this card? what excites you about this card? what confuses you about this card?
and when you think about embodying the ace of pentacles, what does that mean to you in a practical, tangible way? how might this card be just the right medicine for this particular moment?
two quick reminders: the grove, a six-month collective container for creative devotion, is beginning so soon! we've got almost two dozen beautiful souls joining us for this experience, and if you've been thinking about signing up, you still have time before the doors close on january 28th.
secondly, i'm guest-editing the next issue of the rebis and would love to hear your pitches! we'll be exploring the devil archetype in all of its many rebellious, grotesque, free and wicked forms, so if you've got fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art, or other kinds of submissions to contribute, send 'em in! submit your work by january 31st.
i'll be back in a few days with our next card from the suit of pentacles!
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