announcing: finding the fool & the 3am.tarot patreon

hello, dear friends. i’ve been teasing this announcement for months now, and i’m so thrilled to share with you a project that i’ve been working on since 2019: my first tarot book, finding the fool, which will be published with weiser books in autumn of 2022.

a strange thing, to hold so much joy in such a terrifying time — strange to make a declaration about something happening so far in the future, when every single tomorrow feels hesitant, tenuous, uncertain. strange to feel excited about so many new possibilities, when so many other things feel completely out of control.
i’ve always hated being asked about my one-year-plan, my five-year-plan, my ten-year-plan — because the ugly, messy, tangled truth is that i’ve never let myself have one. i’ve always known the things that i dream about, the places i want to see, the experiences i want to pursue. some of these are hopes i still cling to, while others are desires that have dried up, shrunken so far into themselves that i’ve forgotten they ever took up space within me.
but dreaming of a far-off future has always felt too bold, too brave. i’ve never let myself look too far ahead, tried not to get attached to any particular outcomes or happenings, worked to temper longings with cynicism. hope has felt dangerous, somehow, a way of setting myself up for disappointment or failure.
yet a book is something tangible, something definable. so many shapes and sizes, so many words and images, so many possibilities within those pages — we know what a book is, what it means, what it can do. we know it takes sustained effort to envision, to create, to publish, to promote. so many of my dreams will be wrapped up in this object, strands of me knitted into the very fabric of this physical thing that eventually strangers and friends will hold in their hands, bring into their homes, invite into their hearts. so much of my future will be enmeshed with this particular vision.
in declaring this book a reality, in putting a name and a date on it, in sharing it with you, i’m making a vow to myself and to the world: that this is a future that i believe is possible. this is a future that i am actively choosing, have already chosen. this is a future that i am committing to.

this announcement feels gutsy, daring, like the casting of a spell. broadly speaking, i don’t know what is coming, what the world will look like in autumn of 2022 when this project that i’ve been working on for so many years finally becomes a material thing. i don’t know who i’ll be by then. i don’t know what i’ll have lost, what i’ll have found, what new dreams may have taken root. i don’t know what new challenges i’ll have survived.
but i do know that right now, in this very moment, i am overflowing with joy, gratitude, and excitement for all that lies ahead. this book is a promise, a sliver of certainty for my future — and it’s one that i intend to keep.
wondering how you can support my writing? i will continue to share several pieces each month through this newsletter, to write essays and articles, and to make regular posts on instagram — but i’m also relaunching the 3am.tarot patreon as a guided study collective. every tier gets access to every bit of content, making it easy for you to offer financial support at whatever level is comfortable for you. as a community, we’ll be going through each of the 78 cards of the tarot, one month at a time — making this a perfect place for beginners to find resources, and for more intermediate and advanced readers to connect, share insights, and grow their personal practice. whether you’re just getting started or have been reading for yours, this is a place for you to meet other readers, ask questions, and dig into the tarot in a more personal way.
patrons will also receive exclusive excerpts from my upcoming book, which won’t be available anywhere else. if you’re looking for sneak peeks into what i’m working on, joining my patreon is the best and only way to get access.

as a bonus, anyone that signs up for my patreon in the month of september will get a free copy of my latest e-book: a collection of 21 of my favorite tarot spreads, including four exclusive new layouts that you can only get in this book. you can learn more about this study community and sign up right here - we’ll be starting with the fool in october, so don’t miss the chance to join us!
i have three custom readings left for purchase on my website, and once they’re sold, i won’t be offering any more client readings until 2022. you can still purchase study guides and tarot books from my website, and i’ll also be sharing an exciting collaboration in a few weeks, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox as newsletter subscribers and patrons will receive that information first. saving and sharing my writing, including instagram and twitter posts, tarotscopes, articles, and spreads, with your friends and community is also a great way to help new people find my work.
this book would absolutely not be happening without the enthusiastic support of my readers over the years, so thank you for making one of my biggest dreams come true. i can’t wait to see where we go from here.
more soon,
images from this post feature cards from the marigold tarot. all photographs by meg jones wall.
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