4 min read

what does the magician have to do with hope?

if you want to step into your magic and activate your inner fire and become the magician of your dreams, if you want to feel powerful and resourced and equipped to tackle your current challenges, magician's lens is for you.
telescope in the foreground, with a dark sky full of stars in the background

hello, friends. i'm running a live session of one of my most popular tarot courses, magician's lens, starting on october 26th. and because the name is a little vague and we're all so tired, let's talk about why i'm running a class on imagination when the world is falling apart.

what even is magician's lens?
magician's lens is a six-part experiential course that's all about learning to see the world through the magician's eyes. in other words, it's about expanding your imagination, changing your perspective, tapping into your resources, approaching problems in new ways, getting playful without apology, and finding your hope. it's also absolutely packed with resources, activities, and ideas for tapping into your magic in the darkest of times, in a choose-your-own-adventure style that is wildly customizable based on your own preferences, interests, and energy levels.

because this course is all about seeing yourself, your resources, and your world differently, and because it includes photography and creative prompts, magician's lens is a play on camera lenses and using tools to shift your perspective.

what does it include?
the course is broken up into six weekly lessons, although you can take as much time with each lesson as you want. every week you'll get a written lesson, journaling and writing prompts, photography and creativity prompts, a mood board, a playlist, a tarot spread and exercises to do with your cards, and suggestions for ways to incorporate these ideas into your daily life.

as for what we'll be exploring each week, here's a sneak peek:

week one: magician as self // who is the magician in the tarot, and who is your magician? how do you see yourself? how are you already a magician? what magic lives within you, right now?
week two: magician as creator // what resources do you have access to? what is in your personal tool box? what are you really great at? what kinds of skills, talents, and assets do you bring to your current challenges?
week three: magician as analyst // what do you notice? what captures your attention? what does it look like when you pay attention? how do you tackle problems? what are you curious about?
week four: magician as innovator // what lives in your imagination? how do you see differently than those around you? how is your mind unique? how do you tackle problems and create solutions?
week five: magician as trickster // what does play look like for you? what if you let yourself try something different? what is your relationship with risks, and with making mistakes? how can you find joy even in challenges?
week six: magician as alchemist // where are you ready for internal and external change? what would transformation look like for you? what is possible, and how can you start initiating growth right now?

magician's lens: a six-week course for exploration, imagination, and creative discovery

who is it for?
this is for anybody who is feeling stuck, overwhelmed, out of control, frustrated, or lost — and it's also for anybody who feels a big desire or dreaming bubbling up within them, but isn't sure how to make it happen. working with the magician is for anybody who wants to feel more courageous, more badass, more visionary. if you're looking at a crossroads, or an open door, and are trying to figure out how to move through it with strength and magic, this is the course for you.

you don't have to have a lot of experience with the tarot to participate — you just need a tarot deck, a place to record your thoughts, and a willingness to try something new.

why this class? how will it help me right now?
i'm tired, and scared, and frustrated with our world. i bet you are too. and while change and revolution require people with a wide variety of skill sets, one thing that we all must have regardless of our role is a capacity for imagination.

for me, imagination is the fertile ground in which hope finds its roots. imagination is what allows us to creatively problem solve, to approach challenges with fresh ideas, to innovate and experiment and take risks and see what works. hope itself may ebb and flow based on the day, even the hour — but when we are able to consistently envision the kind of future we want for ourselves and our communities and our world, we always have something beautiful to return to, to keep investing in. we know how to pivot, to be flexible, to face challenges with generosity and nuance. we know how to see our resources with fresh eyes. and we know what we bring to the table, what our unique and powerful magic really looks like.

i wanted to offer something that will help you remember who the fuck you are. in this brutal time of genocide, climate crisis, and fear, imagination can be a potent medicine and a powerful resource — and the magician is one of the most imaginative archetypes in the deck. this course felt like the best possible thing i could do to help you find hope, to find courage, to find strength — with enough flexibility and connection that you can make it whatever you need it to be, week by week.

i know that a new course might not be your cup of tea right now. i know you might just want to lay down and cry instead, and that's also just fine. please do what you need to do to take care of yourself, to stay connected to the people and the values that are important, to make it from day to day.

but if you're itching to do something, if you want to feel bolstered and supported in your daily life, if you want to step into your magic and activate your inner fire and become the magician of your dreams, if you want to feel powerful and resourced and equipped to tackle your current challenges, magician's lens is for you.