ten of wands: creative prompts

hello, friends. remember that if you love these creative prompts, my magician archetype course on imagination, creation, resources, curiosity, and seeing possibility everywhere begins on october 26th!
writing about the ten of wands this month has felt weirdly comforting, an opportunity to acknowledge what exhaustion and release and moving forward can offer. not everything is sparks and joy and momentum — some cards in the deck truly represent the more challenging moments, the periods of stillness, the times of quiet surrender.
when the world feels so dark, so frustrating, so scary, it's been affirming to see the ways that the tarot holds space for the difficult parts of life too. and with so many of us wrestling with our own grief (seriously, every time i ask y'all what you're looking for the answer is overwhelming "more grief resources"), the ten of wands feels very honest: endings are important, even when they're hard.
however, if the ten of wands feels like a card that is devoid of creativity, think again: there's so much magic within this card, so much intensity, so much to explore. endings are ripe for exploration, reflection, and transformation: all qualities that make creativity possible at all.
as ever, these prompts and questions can be used for anything you like: card pulls, journaling, spread positions, character creation, storytelling, world building, conflict navigation, artistry, writing, and so much more. how does this energy feel for you? and what could the ten of wands inspire you to try?
what do you observe in the ten of wands? what keywords or meanings come to mind first when you think about this card? how do you understand it in your personal readings? what is your relationship with this card?
if you step into this energy intentionally, what does it feel like? what is the environment of the ten of wands? what's the vibe? when might it be helpful to deliberately activate this energy? when is the ten of wands exactly the right energy for a particular job, goal, intention, ambition, or emotion? have you ever summoned this energy for yourself before?
how might a character embody this energy, either when dealing with certain challenges or as a general set of personality traits? what does that look like? how is this useful? and when is it a detriment?
what does this card sound like? what does it taste like? how does it smell, look, feel? how does it impact a space or situation when it emerges? what change or transformation does this card offer? what does it feel like when this energy recedes?
how does the ten of wands offer truth or clarity around endings and beginnings? how often do you think of this as a liminal card, and what does that idea offer to you in terms of your connection with this card? how does this card serve as a doorway or threshold or portal? where might this card lead you?
what are you learning to love about the ten of wands? how has your understanding of this card shifted or expanded over time? how might this be an energy that you're ready to more actively engage with, or even pursue with intention?
sending you a lot of love, friends.
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