from temperance to the devil
hello friends, and a blessed solstice to you.
as the sun moves into capricorn and we mark the longest night
december 2022: on finding equilibrium
hello friends, and welcome to december.
this time of year tends to invite reflection and remembrance. and while there is
from death to temperance
hello friends, and welcome to sagittarius season.
before we jump in, i want to extend extra love, care, and support
november 2022: on stages of grief
hello, friends, and welcome to november.
we are firmly into the season of scorpio: the season of intensity, excavation, letting
october: from justice to death
hello friends, and welcome to scorpio season.
as someone with a lot happening in my sixth house of scorpio, i
on altars & alterations
how tightly do you cling to the version of yourself that you see in your mind, that you feel in your heart? what might emerge in a raw and beautiful form, if you let your grip loosen a bit?
on fairness
reflections on justice for september 2022
from strength to the hermit
the magic between leo and virgo seasons
(fragments) on timing
reflections for august 2022