2 min read

seven of wands: creative prompts

seven of wands: creative prompts
seven of wands from the vindur deck (left), goddess of love tarot (middle), and wild unknown tarot (right)

hello, friends. before we jump in, reminder to my NYC friends that in a few days i'm hosting a free COVID-conscious tarot meetup at astoria bookshop! this will be a fun social hang where we can talk about future events and pull cards together, so bring a deck if you've got one and let's talk tarot together.

this month we've looked at the seven of wands through a broad lens, but have also examined its numerological and elemental aspects — and of course, bronze and gold subscribers also received a tarot spread devoted to this card.

today, i want to share some seven of wands-inspired prompts that you can use for anything you like: creative inspiration, spiritual discovery, personal exploration, journaling, meditation, conversation, or whatever else may strike your fancy. these are musings and questions, ideas and offerings that i hope spark new internal and external explorations.

seven of wands from the vindur deck (left), goddess of love tarot (middle), and wild unknown tarot (right)

what does the seven of wands mean to you? how does it inspire, encourage, challenge, or expand your perspective when it comes up in readings? is this a card you work with often, or one you rarely engage with? how does it make you feel to look at it? what are the main things that jump out to you when you look at this card in different decks, and in your personal deck or decks?

if the seven of wands was a character, how would they behave? if the seven of wands was a place, what would it look and feel like? if the seven of wands was a plot point or narrative choice, what would be happening? if the seven of wands was a smell or taste or texture or sensation, what would it be? if the seven of wands was captured in song, what would it sound like? do you know any songs that remind you of this card?

in the story of the suit of wands and fire, what does the seven of wands represent? how is this card a reaction to the six, and setting the stage for the eight? what motivates the seven of wands? what lives at the heart of this card's actions and intentions? what is the driving force of this card?

is the seven of wands comfortable, or uncomfortable for you? does it connect with any strong memories or associations for you?

what fire lives within you, and how might the seven of wands ask you to engage with that fire? what beliefs, ideals, or principles drive your choices? what does it feel like to dig deeper into your own driving forces, to consider what motivates and pushes you forward?

what are your personal lanterns, and who has helped you light them? how often do you hold them up and use them to investigate your own psyche, memories, ideals, fears, dreams? what do you believe about yourself and your passions? where did those beliefs come from, and what continues to shape them?

and lastly: when might tapping into seven of wands energy be most valuable, supportive, and helpful for you? how can the seven of wands serve as a guide, a tool, or an inspiration point for you in the future?

thanks for being here. and if you love what i do, please consider upgrading your subscription to help me keep doing it.