3 min read

september 2024: spreads for all

september 2024: spreads for all

hello, friends. i've already been getting amazing feedback on the latest addition to the 3am.tarot conservatory, card connections! if you love reading tarot but find yourself itching to go beyond more standardized meanings, this new resource is packed with techniques, spreads, and journal prompts to help you expand your relationship with all 78 cards of the tarot.

in my ongoing effort to put less energy into the black hole of social media and more magic into this very newsletter, here are your free-for-all tarot spreads for september! i've been very inspired by my own work around tarot and emotions, around expression, around self-compassion and self-discovery, and you'll see that reflected in this new batch of spreads.

it's my sincere hope that these meet you where you are, provide some frameworks for reflection and awareness, and help you engage more deeply with your cards. (and if you decide to share your reading with these spreads on social media, feel free to tag me!)

kicking the hornet's nest: a spread for expressing anger
card one: your anger's shape. what does your anger look like?
card two: your anger's expression. what does your anger sound like?
card three: your anger's needs. what does your anger crave?

all things end: a hozier-inspired releasing spread
card one: an old intention. what is something you once reached for?
card two: a dawning conclusion. what is something you are now realizing?
card three: a new beginning to consider. what is an opportunity to explore?

spinning out: a boygenius-inspired calming spread
card one: name your worry (things that haven't happened). what is something you are feeling anxious, concerned, or agitated about? how are you spiraling?
card two: how to cope (breathing in and out). how can you take care of yourself? what might offer you some calm or stability?

daily check-in: a tarot spread for taking stock
card one: a feeling. what emotion is present?
card two: a worry. what anxiety is present?
card three: a sensation. how does your body feel?
card four: a hope. what is your heart dreaming of?

want more insights into how to use tarot spreads? check out my free email course on spreads, my spread architect program, and CARD TALK podcast episodes talking you through reading with spreads! (and yes, i really did write a whole book about spreads and i will let you know the pub date as soon as i have it, but we're working on a cover and it's GORGEOUS!)

and if you haven't listened yet, don't miss CALL YOUR COVEN, featuring forecasts and supportive magic using tarot (with me), numerology (with bee scolnick), and astrology (with jeanna kadlec)! we are so excited to share these episodes with you, and you can listen on your favorite podcasting app or on youtube right now.