3 min read

october 2024: spreads for all

october 2024: spreads for all

hello, friends. in this particular is-it-capitalism-or-fascism-either-way-i-hate-it stage of history, it's pretty hard to stay entirely off of social media as a small business owner. but i'm very invested in what we're building here at devils & fools, which is why i primarily now share my tarot spreads exclusively on this platform. if you love my spreads, make sure you check out my paid newsletter tiers, which include extra spreads every single month that you can't find anywhere else. (and if you can't commit to a monthly payment but want to send some love my way, i do accept tips via ko-fi.)

with so much going on in the world, with so many of us struggling to stay present and hold space for climate disasters and genocides and COVID consciousness and the spiraling economy, i wanted to primarily focus this month on tarot spreads that will help you take care of yourself, stay brave, and make space for transformation. we are all being changed every single day from what we are experiencing on both personal and global levels, and it's my sincere hope that these spreads empower you to show yourself kindness, stay grounded, and keep fighting for what matters.

evergreen reminder that if you really love my spreads, i have several services available to create personalized, fully custom spreads just for you, either as an ongoing monthly creation process or a standalone service. learn more about spread architect here. and if you're itching for deeper support around grief, hope, and how to use tarot to get from one to the other, check out my new webpage packed with resources including a new workbook, upcoming lecture, and tarot reading (yes, i'm open for readings again!).

now for our monthly spreads:

gird your loins: a tarot spread for summoning your courage card one: what your courage looks like in action card two: something holding you back  card three: a brave thing to do right now

gird your loins: a tarot spread for summoning your courage
card one: what your courage looks like in action
card two: something holding you back
card three: a brave thing to do right now

kill your darlings: when you need to pay up something that doesn't fit (inspired by the september 2024 forecast of call your coven and this excellent creative turn of phrase for creating/editing your work) card one: a thing you've been refusing to let go of card two: the reason you still love it card three: a place to put it / something to do with it

kill your darlings: when you need to pay up something that doesn't fit (inspired by the september 2024 forecast of call your coven and this excellent creative turn of phrase for creating/editing your work)
card one: a thing you've been refusing to let go of
card two: the reason you still love it
card three: a place to put it / something to do with it

pass through fire: a spread for embracing transformation, in all of its forms (inspired by critical role's keyleth, created by marisha ray) card one: the old you card two: the evolution card three: the next you

pass through fire: a spread for embracing transformation, in all of its forms (inspired by critical role's keyleth, created by marisha ray)
card one: the old you
card two: the evolution
card three: the next you

our fourth spread is one that i didn't exactly write, but am suggesting as a lovely daily check-in style spread for anyone who is struggling with being present in the moment, activating creativity, and remembering what matters. last month, one of jessica dore's offerings included thoughts and insights into her meditations with carrie mae weems' daily questions. those four questions, in addition to being a lovely daily check-in practice, also make for a beautiful four-card tarot spread.

daily commitments: a tarot spread for exploring presence, intention, and purpose // inspired by carrie mae weems & jessica dore card one: where i am card two: what i'm making card three: what i'm committed to card four: why it matters

daily commitments: a tarot spread for exploring presence, intention, and purpose // inspired by carrie mae weems & jessica dore
card one: where i am
card two: what i'm making
card three: what i'm committed to
card four: why it matters

sending you so much love, friends. more soon 🖤