4 min read

january 2025: spreads for all & a special announcement

3am.tarot spreads for all

hello, friends, and thank you so much for all the well wishes for my wedding last week! before we get into our monthly spread collection, a really exciting announcement: i'm going to be the guest editor for the upcoming rebis issue on the devil archetype!

if you're not familiar with the rebis, it's a truly incredible tarot literary project pioneered by hannah levy. every issue, available both in print and digitally, focuses on one tarot archetype, exploring this card through the lenses of creativity, spirituality, artistry, devotion, and so much more. featuring a wide variety of contributors and mediums, the rebis has been one of my favorite places to share work — and it's such an honor to join forces with hannah and her team to curate an issue on an archetype that is near and dear to my heart, the devil.

"The Devil is not just about our darkest parts, not just about obsession, addiction, and control. We also consider freedom from shame, from societal norms and taboos. We grapple with our deepest desires and embrace self-knowledge. In Pleasure Activism, adrienne maree brown writes, “Oppression makes us believe that pleasure is not something that we all have equal access to. One of the ways that we start doing the work of reclaiming our full selves—our whole liberated, free selves—is by reclaiming our access to pleasure.” We are interested in these stories of reclamation. Of rapture, sin, temptation. The kind of transgressions that teach, that emancipate, that shake us awake. We want to see work that is subversive, provocative, erotic, and deliciously alive. Stories about power and self-sovereignty."  — Hannah Levy

part of what makes this publication so special is that it includes so many different voices and mediums and perspectives. if you're even remotely tempted to submit something, please click here to read the full announcement and learn more about submissions, which are open until january 31st! and if you know anyone who might want to contribute, please send them this info. we'd love to see as many pitches as possible.

now, for our tarot spreads of the month! this first two-card spread is a simple one to usher you into the new year. what are you bringing into this year of the hermit, and what might be something worth leaving behind?

card one / light it up: what is a guiding light for you this year? what can you carry into 2025 that will illuminate your path, keep you company, remind you of your power and magic?

card two / put it away: what is no longer useful for you this year? what can you leave behind right now, which may be helpful for you to reach for in the future?

our other two tarot spreads for this month are inspired by two important phrases from timothy snyder's on tyranny, which i think are incredible reminders as we move into this challenging new year.

do not obey in advance: a tarot spread for keeping the heart of a rebel.

card one / a power to protect. what power and strength do you already have, that is worth guarding? what unique skills and abilities will be useful in the coming days, that are important to safeguard?

card two / a gift to shield. what particular gift or resource do you have, that may come in very handy in the future? what is something worth keeping quiet or even secret, to rely on in difficult moments?

card three / a way to stay strong. what amplifies your courage and gives you strength? what is something you can do right now to bolster yourself and those around you?

know yourself: a tarot spread for remembering who you are.

card one / your magic. what makes you magical? what feeds your magic? where does your magic come from, and how does it make you special?

card two / your vision. how do you see the world? what are your dreams for what this world could be? how does this vision keep you going?

card three / your courage. what feeds your bravery? what shape does your courage take? what does it look like for you to stand up for what matters?

a reminder that i am out of office for my honeymoon for the next week or two, but will be back later this month with a piece on the numerology of 2025 as well as some creative prompts for the ace of pentacles. be safe, stay healthy, and don't lose courage — we're all in this together 🖤