introducing devils & digits: the six-week course!

hello, friends! i’m so excited to finally share a project that i’ve been working on for over a year: devils & digits, a six-week online course on tarot & numerology.

this class really gets to the heart of my tarot work: helping people learn to use the cards in a way that is unique, personal, and transformative, instead of feeling stuck or restricted by memorizing old, traditional interpretations. and if you’ve been feeling like you just keep going through the same definitions over and over, like your tarot practice has been stagnant or stalled out, introducing numerology as a framework for your tarot study may be just the thing you need to break you out of a rut and help you build a more personal and powerful relationship with the cards.
i created this class because it’s exactly what i needed when i first started reading tarot: something to help me actually understand the cards, instead of just trying to memorize them.
numerology has transformed my tarot practice, and it can transform yours too.
this six-week course includes weekly pre-recorded lectures (all captioned and with transcripts) delivered straight to your inbox that you can watch at your convenience, along with exercises, journal prompts, and exclusive tarot spreads, all designed to help you engage with the material and understand it in a way that resonates. students will also have access to a private online community, where they can share their findings, meet fellow tarot readers, and check in with me as often as they like. i’ll also be holding weekly live office hours, where we can chat about lessons, tarot, numerology, and anything else that strikes our fancy.
every single piece of this course is downloadable, meaning that students will have lifetime access to all of the materials. if life gets in the way and you need to take a break from studies, the class will be waiting for you when you’re ready to pick it back up. and if you ever want to revisit the work, it’ll always be at your fingertips.
“Meg is a natural teacher....she brings a depth of wisdom to each card that inspires the reader to consider the card from a different perspective and empowers them to tap into their own intuition.”
— Rachel C. Fletcher
devils & digits will teach you methods for integrating numerology into your tarot practice, step by step. we’ll explore the meanings of each digit, weaving them together into a sequence of motivation and purpose that we’ll trace through every card in the deck. we’ll group the cards together, looking at how each card expresses the desires and personalities of their assigned number in their own unique and necessary way. and we’ll integrate journal prompts, free writes, tarot spreads, and community discussion to share our experiences and discoveries, creating unique meanings that you won’t have to struggle to memorize: because you’ll have created them yourself.
by the end of this class, your relationship with the 78 cards of the tarot will fundamentally shift, because you will understand exactly which purpose every card can serve. you will go beyond standardized meanings of the cards to create your own unique set of interpretations, based on numerology and sequences, and will be able to see the cards as jumping off points rather than strictly defined insights.
devils & digits will encourage you to seek personal connections and relationships within the cards that will strengthen your readings, your meditations, and your understanding of how to use the tarot, empowering you to explore the cards with confidence, purpose, and authenticity.
“Meg writes about the cards in a way that makes me feel connected to something greater, but is still completely approachable for a newcomer. She emphasizes intuition and intellect in equal measure, which results in a sort of “choose your own adventure” approach to tarot that I find very empowering in my practice.”
- Jayne
want a preview of the class? this afternoon i taught a free hour-long introductory session, scratching the surface of the nine digits of numerology and the ways that they intersect with the nine core archetypes of the major arcana, and you can watch it right now via the embedded video above. i’m using the same software to create all of the course videos, so this will also help you see how i’ll be using slides and audio to present class materials.
to watch this video with subtitles, head over to youtube, and an automatically-generated transcript of this session is available to view here.
i’m incredibly excited about this class, and i’ll be sharing more details with you throughout the next few weeks in addition to my regular essays and posts.
devils & digits launches on april 30th, and if you sign up this week, you’ll get 11% off the final price as part of my early bird special. don’t miss your chance to work with me and transform your tarot practice!
have questions? paid subscribers can leave a comment on this post, and i’ll also be hosting AMAs and Q&A sessions on both instagram and tiktok throughout the month. come chat with me about tarot, numerology, and this class!
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