a spread for reflections & strengths (and a bonus spread for all)
hello, dear friends. at the top of the month, i shared some thoughts on this year of strength, and the
december 2024 spreads for all
hello, friends. if november flew by, december has been moving slowly and deliberately so far. a few projects including CALL
on creation & creativity
hello, friends. i saw a post a few moments ago calling this a "week where decades happen," and
welcome to the grove.
hello, friends. for the last few months, my partner jeanna and i have been dreaming about a creative, collective space:
december 2024: on reflections & strengths
hello, friends, and welcome to december. before we dig into this month's essay, remember that it's
honor your personal cycles — yes, all of them.
hello, friends. today is our final day of five days of offerings, and i've so enjoyed putting this
don't be afraid to sit in complexity.
hello, friends. however and wherever this email finds you, whether you're spending time with friends and family (that
stop making things harder for yourself.
hello, friends. today's offering is all about using tarot as a simple, daily ritual, instead of making your