3 min read

august 2024 spreads for all

3am.tarot spreads for all

hello, friends. as part of my ongoing effort to put less magic on social media and more into your inboxes, i want to share a few spreads that i might've otherwise shared on instagram. some of these are serious, some of them are not. but they're all new and real and written by me, and i hope they offer you some new avenues for exploration, discovery, encouragement, support, and perhaps a laugh or two. (and yes — if you do one of these spreads and feel compelled to share your reading on social media, please just make sure you give me credit for the spread!)

a reminder too that i'm hosting a (rare for me) live workshop on everyday nourishment with my wonderful partner, astrologer jeanna kadlec, on august 17th! get all the details and snag your spot here:

what's NOT wrong? a tarot spread for remembering the good parts. card one: something physical that's working card two: something emotional that's solid. card three: something spiritual that's nourishing.

what's not wrong? a tarot spread for remembering the good parts.
card one: something physical that's working. what is tangible and reliable?
card two: something emotional that's solid. what is soft but sturdy?
card three: something spiritual that's nourishing. what is fluid but supportive?

HOT TO GO: a tarot spread for when it's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees. card one: dance it out. card two: hurry up.  card three: what's it take?

HOT TO GO: a tarot spread for when it's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees.
card one: dance it out. what is ready to be released or celebrated?
card two: hurry up. what do you need to stop putting off?
card three: what's it take? what's something real you can do, right now?

straw into gold: a spread for making the most of it. card one: this sucks. card two: but you can try this. card three: and could end up here.

straw into gold: a spread for making the most of it.
card one: this sucks. what isn't working, or is bumming you out?
card two: but you can try this. what's something you can do?
card three: and could end up here. what's a potential outcome?

be brat: a tarot spread for letting yourself be beautifully messy.
card one: say the weird thing. what truth isn't worth holding back?
card two: feel the big feeling. what emotion is demanding release?
card three: make the wild choice. what unexpected path are you ready to walk?

an evergreen reminder that if you love my tarot spreads, paid newsletter subscribers get additional exclusive spreads every single month! everyone on the bronze level receives a spread exploring our card of the month, everyone on the silver tier receives a spread exploring our numerology of the month, and gold subscribers get both.

and if you'd love longer, juicer spreads that meet you where you are, don't forget that my spread architect program is always open! i'll write you a custom spread that takes into account your own preferences and personal needs, giving you a layout that you can use for personal readings anytime you like. let's work together!