3 min read

a spread for the ten of wands

a spread for the ten of wands

hello, friends. before we get into this month's card spread, i wanted to share a link to this year's reader survey! this short, anonymous survey is a great way for you to give me feedback on my newsletter, courses, resources, and more, and to also let me know what you'd love to see from me in 2025. thanks in advance for your time!

the ten of wands feels so present and potent for me right now, in a way that i truly didn't anticipate when this year began. wherever this message finds you, i hope that thinking about this card throughout the month of october offers you some new perspectives on a card that can activate a lot of dread, grief, exhaustion, and heartache for folks when it comes up in readings.

we've looked at the this card a few times already this month (check out the essay and the correspondence posts if you missed them), and have held space for the sensations of both burnout and anticipation. with ten as a liminal space hovering between the ending of one story and the stirrings of the next, the ten of wands offers a unique perspective on what it means to move on from something that once captured our heart and soul.

the ten of wands might feel like a challenging energy to work with intentionally — and listen, i get it. if this card feels particularly rough when it comes up in your readings, you might wonder when a spread like this would appeal. but whether you're feeling burned out and exhausted, are satisfied with a long journey that is coming to a close, or are gratefully anticipating the next chapter of your fire story, working with the ten of wands can give you an honest opportunity to see where you are.